Independent Escort Service in Dubai
Jaipur Escort Girls

How to Be an Escort's Favorite Client

As a Escorts Agency we always face some good experiences some extremely bad. As Per Our Escorts feeling and their experience we want to let you know how you can have a memorable meeting you are your escorts and how you can make her comfort for you dating love night.

Today We will try to explain what is the correct conduct when dealing with an Call girls

Research your escorts before Dating. 

Don’t be in rush in dating with call girls. First of all do Proper research about escorts. Go on her website and check how website is providing services to the recent past and check on another site also. Review for this type of services rarely available because people don't want to go on public and always hide their identity. Contact her via Google phone and ask your query. Also expect her to want to screen you for her own safety; be respectful and provide whatever info she requires.

Be on time. Respect the escort's time and schedule, and don't linger

Be Professional in time scheduling. As Escorts offer business services so she wants perfect time. If any reason you are getting late than inform her via phone call that you are late for some reason for 10 minute, 15 minutes whatsoever. But it should be an hour late because she may have another work. If recommended Please respect the escort's time and schedule, and don't linger. Even if the escort genuinely enjoyed the time with you, it is annoying and awkward if you overstay. If you want more time, ask and if she says yes, expect to pay for it at the rate previously discussed.

Never ever discuss sexual acts or money in person. 

For your own safety! If it is a sting, they will try to get you to say what you are there for out loud. When in doubt, kiss the girl or ask her to get more comfortable. If she complies, green light!

Money first always & Present it like a Gift for Girl friend

All offers escorting for money. Everyone knows about it and it is fact. But you should now show off like you is paying fee to her, Feel her like you are offering her a gift. Do not hand the money directly to her, set it down where she can see it, or wherever you were told to beforehand, (often by the sink in the bathroom).

Be nice, treat her like a lady, and be respectful. 

She is a real person, you don't need to be intimidated and you certainly shouldn't feel superior either. Don't feel like you need to blow her mind sexually. While noble, and very sweet, she is there for you. Do not hold back at the beginning because you want to last for her, this often ends in not being able to finish at all which nobody wants. You can take care of her after if you enjoy that, but no pressure here either.

She will not be offended if you need to leave right after. Whether you need to get back to work, or just aren't into idle chit-chat and cuddling, do your thing. She will enjoy the extra down-time. If you have a genuine rapport or chemistry, or if you are just enjoying the company and a break from real life, then stay the whole time! She will be happy either way.

Have a sense of humor and some laughs with her

Escorts interact with clients on regular basis and easily find who is insincere or superficial. Don't be unreal to impress your lady. If you show respect to her than you will also get in return good amount of respect. make your escort comfortable by humor and laughs.

Don't be afraid to become friends-

If you want to an escort to be on regular basis than make a relationship like a friend.

Offer Your Help in a time of need

Always Tip! If you are happy with her eservices- 

Always tip. No one care if its 100 Rs or 500 Rs, tip your escort Unless she was terrible. Tipping shows that you are happy with her services and appreciating her efforts. This is especially important if you want to see the escort again. Ask her if she would like to be reviewed. If yes, keep it simple, and do not fabricate. If you say she did something that she didn't, other clients may expect that same service in the future.

Always be clean!!! Be Perfumed. 

If you just came from work or whatever, take a quick shower at the location. If you smelling from your body than she will not be comfortable to have intimate with you.

Bring wine or a gift. 

Before meeting ask her escort if she like to have drink or smoking than go with it. Escorts love this and you will go right to the front of the line, hopefully. Wine can help to get you both relaxed and comfortable, and is a good social lubricant when you have to make all the magic happen in an hour or two. Gift certificates are always a safe bet if you want to bring a gift,  Like perfume, scent, Bath and Body items etc. If you know the escort well, you may want to give her more personalized gifts like lingerie, jewelry, and ring. 

A super extra bonus point if you buy her drinks/take her to dinner first. If you really enjoy her company and can afford to do this, this is the best way to make her feel special. Remember she is on the clock though, and do not ever ask her to meet for free. That is a line neither of you should cross.

if you are looking call girls in Jaipur or Escorts services in Jaipur than contact us. We will offer you professional call girl service in Jaipur.

Frequently Asked Questions

Three hours will be the time to meet her for dinner date, club or outing and including extra services.
It's a Matter of privacy.In our team some girls are independent, college girls and housewives.they do not want show their identity in public.
It's Toally depends on availablity. if she is comfort and available than we will make arrangement for you.if you can book in advance if you want anyone specially.
You can call anytime throughout the day and spot booking is also available in our agency, but for surety purpose you should call at least half an hour early.
Absolutely you can! With our outstation, independent Jaipur escorts you can visit any other place and spend a few days with them and have all the pleasures you desire. Our call girls in Jaipur irrespective of the place make sure that all your wishes are fulfilled. For example, if you are planning a weekend for Jaipur Sightseeing, then you can book our escorts for an amazing time.
We absolutely guarantee this. Confidentiality is our primary concern as both our clients and escorts held this privacy policy top on their list. Jaipur escorts never share any details about you now of our girls. So, from this side, there is nothing to worry about.
Well, the rates vary from one girl to another and also depend on what services you are booking her for along with how much time you are going to spend with her. A lot of factors like this come into play when hiring an escort. You can contact Jaipur escort service if you want to know about the fee structure. it cost between 10000- 50000 INR  for an hour.
You should book an escort at least 3-4 hours before the meeting time. To be on the safe side, you can hire them days in advance. Since our high profile Jaipur call girls are the best in the business, they are always in demand. So, as early as you book our independent Jaipur escorts the better for you.

interestingly, Prostitution is not illegal in India, per se. According to IPC, However several activities under prostitution are punishable by law- pimping, renting out property for running brothels etc.